Thursday, March 31, 2016

B2B Training Log: Week 1

With 8 weeks remaining, I find myself at a comfortable weight (5'2" 123-125lb). It is time to train for the sub-60 12km I've been pining after for two years since my first B2B in 2014.

I've come a long way since May of last year, when I was just 6 months post-surgery. I was 6-10lb heavier and far less fit from a cardiovascular perspective. 2015 would be riddled with colds and overuse injuries (foot, shin, and knee problems) that put me under goal times (which were, admittedly, unrealistic). You live and you learn, though, and in 2016 I've been more diligent about avoiding sickness and injury.

Week 1 (03.20.2016 - 03.26.2016)

I had an anatomy practical and exam this week - so I held off on my March commitment of not eating out and chose not to stress about dieting. I didn't anticipate the stress of the exam week in my March commitment plan so that is something to consider in my next monthly commitment.

I've got to get more serious about strength and core training. Gonna challenge myself to plank every day starting in Week 2. The good news is I've noticed my reverse pull-ups getting easier and I'm coming very close to a full pull-up from a dead hang!

I ended the week with ~47-miles of biking plus a 4-mile hike in Mt. Tampalaias State Park (Old Mine Trail-Dipsea-Steep Ravine). I had been yearning for a long ride since I had been so focused on exams and work and that Saturday felt like a day off. :-) Not to mention, I had overeaten the past two weeks and I wanted something challenging and, admittedly, depleting. Unfortunately, I was reminded that overtraining often weakens your immune system. Not only did I feel very cold after working out, but I also ended up with a headache and mouth ulcers the day after, making it painful to eat and swallow anything tough. Hopefully my immune system jumps back quickly before I get exposed to any illness-inducing pathogens. Until then, I'm eating right to sustain myself.

Workouts this Week

  • Hills, Easy ~6km | This local run included some light hill work. (31:52 @ 8:30 pace)
  • Full Body Strength and Core | lightly weighted squats (10-12 lb dumbells), lunges, a few minutes of inversions, and arm work, including reverse pullups, dead-hangs, and hanging leg raises.
  • Long Run ~10km | I biked 4.5 mi to Ocean Beach as a warm-up, ran the 3+ miles of the Ocean Beach strip at an easy-ish pace (~8:30) and turned around to do a tempo'd pace back (~8:00). This run seemed a bit more difficult to stay at 8:00 pace despite the flat course. I'd guess because I was heavier at ~126lb and because I was lacking sleep.
  • Long Bike Ride (Cross-Training) | 47 miles of biking, plus a 4-mile hike in Mt. Tam at mile 26. 1500ft climb over 7 miles (miles 19-26). Ridiculously difficult. I did have to stop a couple of times going up since (1) I was biking more than I'd ever biked in a single ride before and (2) biking up with a hybrid bike is SO MUCH HARDER than a roadie. One day I will get a road bike.... ONE DAY. I really enjoyed this long ride but I need to develop a better energy strategy.


Run: 10.35 mi
Bike: 55.32 mi

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