Monday, August 25, 2014

Treacherous (Coffee, Friendship, and Unicorns)

Currently Listening: Treacherous (Taylor Swift)
Currently Reading: way too many job descriptions and Huffington Post articles
Movies Watched: Crazy Stupid Love (2011)

Note to Self: Coffee hiatus leads to increased caffeine sensitivity when consumed. I drank coffee around 10am and can't fall asleep and it's 2am right now...

Unfortunately I have nothing to write about for my Monday post so here are just a few updates:

It was my MTM sister's birthday last week! We surprised her with cupcakes and good company on her actual birthday (Thur 8/21) with a fail on my part for getting "24" candles instead of "23" -___-. And then we went out bowling on Saturday and hit up a karaoke bar afterwards - which was cool, because I sang in public on stage for the first time in my life! I jammed to "I won't say (I'm in love)." It's amazing how much more free and confident I feel these days. And a lot of that has to do with the amazing friendship/siblinghood I have with this girl, who was there for me in one of my darkest hours. I really respect/admire her! :) <3
Ah, nothing beats a good ol' AYCE KBBQ session with Cal friends! Also, Angela's finally in the Bay Area!
Do I even have to repeat how much I love my spicy cilantro family? Dinner or drinks with my favorite BioE PhD students always makes my week. 
I recently began a hasthag on my Instagram #advenutreswithmyunicorn... basically a representation of my inner desire to have a bit of  magic in my life - and maybe one day meet and fall in love with my unicorn - that crazy special, irreplaceable man that's gonna be my best friend and lover and complements me perfectly with his strengths and weaknesses. The one that is committed to personal growth and the growth of love and a relationship. And the one that wants to change the world with me ;). I believe he's out there.. somewhere. Maybe I've yet to meet him, maybe I already know him. Hey, a girl can dream, right? I would have to fight the inner cynic to keep that childlike sense of wonder. And still more importantly, I still need to overcome fears of getting too close to someone, getting hurt, or hurting someone again.  In the meantime, I'm content with where I'm at and will pursue my career and make myself a better person!


When it rains, it pours. Weird car situation right now. Shower drain clogged and not working. :(

Tomorrow, I have a bunch of phone calls to make with recruiters. I hope that goes well!

I have an interview on Wednesday at UCSF for a clinical research position dealing with neurosurgery. I'm excited for it and also a bit anxious (could be another reason I can't sleep). This would be a dream job for sure! When I answered the phone call to set up the interview, it helped that I am VERY interested and fascinated with both neurology and clinical research - which basically meant I was able to say all the right things on the spot!

The same day before my Wednesday interview, I'm having lunch at Facebook HQ with an awesome friend who works there. (Anurag)

I have an MRI appointment and an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon about my left knee. Finally, after several years of putting it off, I'll find out what's wrong with it exactly.

Cheers, all! Hopefully I will have good news about my job situation next week!

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