BSIM Training Plan
After weeks and weeks of reading and research, I think I finally have a training strategy in place for Big Sur. There are a couple key components to my training plan:- Run streak (feetstreak). Run at least one mile a day. Since December 1st, 2016, I have been running at least a mile a day and it was tiring at first but it's become habit now - and I enjoy it!
- Flexibility. I must honor my body and my time commitments - if things get in the way of what I have scheduled, don't stress about it! Be flexible!
- Avoid refined carbohydrates - as much as possible but not strictly. This one is an obvious one but I don't want to be too strict about it. It would be too stressful to avoid refined carbs entirely. At least not at this point in my life where it's difficult to find time to make my own food!
- Focus on injury prevention and recovery. Be honest with myself and know when I need to take just a mile day or when I can push my running volume. Stretch. Strengthen. Foam roll. Sleep. Eat well!
The periodization of the training plan is rather simple:
- [MAF] Dec - February (13-15 weeks): MAF intensity (HR <154, ideally <150) for all runs and bike rides
- [Speedwork (Races)] March 10-25 (3 weeks): 3 races for speedwork
- March 13, 2017 | Reach for A Star 5K (Brisbane, CA) - Registration - proceeds benefit the Brisbane Elementary School District!
- March 18, 2017 | Folsom South Side Trail Run 21-mile (Folsom, CA) - Registration
- March 25, 2017 | Golden Gate Duathlon 5 mile run, 18 mile bike, 2 mile run (El Sobrante, CA) - Registration
- [Marathon specific workouts] March 30-April 16 (2 weeks): depending on how I feel, marathon-specific goal pace workouts + reduce volume for taper.
- [Taper] April 17-29 (2 weeks): Taper @ MAF intensity!
Runstreak Details
The rules of my runstreak are as follows:
1) Run at least one mile every day, ideally two.2) All forms of running/jogging count, including team sports such as basketball.
3) Hikes of 5 or more miles count as run/endurance activity for that day. Better if I can run a little bit of the way!
Why did I decide to do a runstreak?
1) Running is fun!2) I wanted to increase my running efficiency by daily reinforcement of the neuromuscular patterns.
3) I wanted to make running a habit.
4) I wanted to build my weekly mileage.
5) If I ran every day since Dec 1, 2016 to the day before the marathon on 4/30/2017, I would have completed a 150 day runstreak (feetstreak). That's a pretty incredible feat! March 10th would be Day 100, on which I plan on blogging once more about the experience.
After BSIM
May 13, 2017 | Yosemite Half Marathon - taking 2 weeks off from running after the marathon then planning on running this half for fun!May 2017 | Break + Rebuilding (+swimming)
June 2017 | Cycling and Trail Running! (easy running on the raods)
July 8, 2017 | Golden Gate Coastal Trail Marathon - if I'm feeling okay, then this trail run for fun!
July - August | Cycling and Trail Running! (easy running on the roads+swimming)
September, 25 2017 | Santa Cruz Triathlon (sprint or olympic)
October - December | Whate'er I feel like! (ease back into base-building)
January - March 2018 | Base-building!
My ultimate running mecca would be to run the 123rd Boston Marathon in 2019. Boston because duh. And the number 123 because I sort of feel like it's my "angel number." In college, I got that bib number 3 times in a row (old blog post) and, being a teeny bit superstitious, I took it as a sign that I should simplify my life. I took that mindset to heart in the years that followed. Simplification is a very powerful thing - just look at how "simply" running slower has changed my whole mindset and relationship to running and endurance sports. It would definitely give my whole running journey a cherry on top if I ran in the 123rd Boston Marathon. :) :) :)
[1] Big Book of Endurance Training, Philip Maffetone
[2] Racing Weight, Matt Fitzergald
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