Thursday, November 12, 2015


I secretly (or not so secretly) watch the vlogbrothers. A lot. By far, my favorite video contains these awesome words from Hank Green:
"A slogan of nerdfighteria these past seven years has been Don't Forget To Be Awesome, and that is a good slogan, not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Being awesome requires constant vigilance, and you will slip up, whether because of ignorance or because of selfishness or because of outright malice, or because you're drunk. But you have a choice, after you've done something crappy, you can transform into one of two things. Either you can regain your awesome through actual apology, or you can become a fartbag."
"Being awesome requires constant vigilance" is probably the phrase that plays most frequently in my head as it applies to... everything in life. Being awesome is hard and sometimes I just want to be a potato but then I realize that I'm only 25 and by golly I've got a plethora of quests to complete and the possibilities are still endless and the day will come when I will slay a dragon or something. Some weeks it takes me a lot longer to realize this and sometimes it's instantaneous. Either way, I must apologize to myself and forgive myself for not being awesome. And fight on.

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