Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Is that all?



1. confidence or trust in a person or thing
2. belief that is not based on proof
3. belief in God or the doctrines or the teachings of religion
4. belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.

The list goes on.

Faith, by the second definition cited here, is irrational. But why do we as humans seem to need it? Has it not been a double-edge sword to human progress?

Faith is often used in science. Some in the scientific community have faith that interstellar space travel will be possible. Some in the scientific community have faith that we will discover cheap, safe, and effective ways to harness renewable energy. The timeline is unknown, sure, but science works towards these goals. However, our current physical models do not support such beliefs. Interstellar travel isn't even theoretically possible right now. Our knowledge of physics is limited. And yet, we have these flashes of brilliance: gravity, string theory, the God particle (Higgs-boson)... that provide glimpses of a world not our own.

Without faith in our own curiosity and search for expansion, would we yield to our limitations?

It's a simple concept, isn't it? Faith?

Faith is used in the absence of knowledge and certainty. Without a belief in whatever thing you want to believe in, we relent to the view of our limited certainties. Inspiration dies.

You can have faith in anything, really- enough to seek out the fruition of that belief. God, renewable energy, interstellar space travel, the soul, etc.

That which you manifest is before you.

Life as we know it is mysterious and I don't believe that this is it.
Keep going, do your best, reach forward into the unknown, and have faith.

Currently Watching: Star Trek: Voyager (Season 4, I'm so obsessed with this show!)

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