Saturday, May 3, 2014


On April 10, 2013, I made the decision to SIR to UC Berkeley-UCSF's MTM program and now our capstone final report is due tomorrow. I had no idea how much change I would undergo and how different things would be - the better part of my 20s seems like it's just beginning. Moving to the Bay Area positioned me for more opportunities, amazing friends, and acquaintances than I ever imagined.

I have a habit of leaving places just as I start to feel comfortable/content.
Do I go against that and make a decision to stay in one place finally?

Decision tree -

if job found by mid-May, end; else use decision tree

(A) Start - If I don't land a job in the next month or so:
  • I stay in limbo and continue The Hunt during the month of June --> (Go to Event B)
  • I decide to stay in the Bay Area no matter what --> (Start search for places to stay/roommates)
    • Pro: certainty
    • Con: cost, less flexibility
(B) Limbo/The Hunt - If I don't land a job by the end of June:
  • I decide to continue search for a job while in the Bay Area --> (Go to Event C)
  • I go back to So-Cal and continue applying for jobs --> (Go to Event D)
(C) Bay Area/The Hunt
  • Work part-time, stay in current living arrangement (~$350/month) or with family friend until job is found in one of the following places: Bay Area, So-Cal, Midwest, or East Coast --> (See where it goes from there)
    • Pros: plenty of work opportunity, continue volunteer job, proximity to norcal friends, can still drive to so-cal to visit family for extended periods of time
    • Cons: cost
(D) So-Cal/The Hunt
  • Work part-time, live with parents until job is found in one of the following places: Bay Area, So-Cal, Midwest, or East Coast --> (See where it goes from there)
    • Pros: affordable, time with family, reasonable amount of work opportunity, can still drive to nor-cal but place to stay?
    • Cons: less independence, will need to drive up north often for interviews, can't continue volunteer job 

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