The Color Run was a huge success! I am so happy that I decide to go and help out organizing it. It was so great spending time with some amazing people and bonding over the strangeness that is throwing colored cornstarch all over each other. That's pretty weird. It's kind of weird because the best thing about the run... was probably the pictures. Anything else was secondary. Throwing cornstarch? I mean, that's cool and all, and breathing it in was an excellent bonding experience, but nothing beats the ridiculousness of how we all looked. Hah. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the experience:
Next up, Tahoe! I am absolutely excited for this weekend that I can't seem to contain it. I bought a really awesome jacket that I am basically in love with. I also bought snow pants. Expensive but I guess it's worth the investment since I plan on living it up and having fun for once in my life once I get a job. The Northface jacket was originally $280 and was marked down to $195.63 in the store minus an extra 25% off because it was a clearance item and an extra 10% (total 35%) because there was a pen marking found inside. That amounted to about $139 once tax was factored in. Truth be told, I will probably be purchasing a new snowboarding/winter jacket at some point in the future because it isn't IDEAL for the slopes nor does the length suffice for extremely frigid temperatures (or so I've heard that you need longer jackets for best warmth for your dollar) but I chose this because it was stylish and beautiful! And I can wear it in Chicago for those very reasons. *glee*

Finally, I've been training for Bay to Breakers! I can now run 3 miles straight and feel like it's not that difficult of a work out... I remember a few months ago it was almost impossible for me to do one mile. I'm slowly working my way towards 7 miles but MAN. It's tough. But I'm excited. And I need to start researching how to make an outfit that's representative of my graduation attire (since I'm doing the Berkeley commencement on the same day).
The job hunt keeps leading me in circles but I've sent so many resumes, I don't even know any more. I have a feeling my best bet for finding a job in Chicago is going to be throwing myself into my volunteer job at the CRC. Chicago seems to be hiring tons of clinical research coordinators and I don't mind doing this kind of work because it is well on the interface between medical science and the clinics. In the meantime, I would study more and develop skills such as programming on the side so I can eventually make my transition back to SoCal much easier.
Alright - gotta close now! I have a vaccinology midterm tomorrow!
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