Saturday, April 16, 2016

B2B Training Log: Week 4

Week 4 (04.10.2016 - 04.16.2016)

Four more weeks until the big B2B race weekend! Last week I ran a 5km effort at PR 7:16 pace (22:30) which puts my race predictors at sub-1:45 HM and a 56:34 12km. Unless I fall off the wagon, I'm not too worried about my B2B goal given that I'm so close to optimal racing weight and I feel so much more fit than 2 years ago. However, I'm skeptical about my 1:45 HM goal in July. Despite a PR 10km this week (48:33! I've never broken 50:00 before), race predictors put me at 1:47:39. I'd probably be able to run sub-1:50, but 1:45 is quite fast.... we shall see how I feel after B2B. There are still many weeks of training left before the half but injury prevention will be critical.

At this point, I must be careful about over-training and ensure myself a well-executed taper.

Two words to remember as I continue my training: STAY HEALTHY.

Workouts this Week

Cross training week--did a lot more biking this week! Forgot to do strength b/c of work but planking has REALLY helped me with core strength - and it's fun coming up with ways to make it more challenging. I feel like my abs are really benefiting from these!

Bought a foam roller... and boy does it hurt so good...

Happy to report that my foot from last week isn't badly injured. A little RICE goes a long way. I need to take care of Lefty more diligently.
  • Run, Tempo 10km | @ 7:50 pace Lake Merced Run 
  • Run easy 10mi | Berkeley and Berkeley Fire Trails :)
  • Planks! | Every day, 3 sets of 1'30'' OR 5' plank workout


Run: 16.2mi
Bike: 41.8mi

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